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We are not alone...

I have always been strange, different.
I have always considered myself over the top.
They have always considered me over the top!
I have always been out of control, for better or for worse! I felt abandoned, inadequate and above all misunderstood. But not misunderstood by the people around me, but by myself! I've fought with myself all my life.
Then I discovered… I wasn't misunderstood, abandoned and inadequate… I discovered I was bipolar! I discovered that it wasn't all up to me! And it was the best discovery I could have made! It's not easy being me, and being like me... but at least I know why I'm like this! This is my story… or at least part of it!

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What is bipolar disorder ?

Bipolar Disorder (or manic-depressive disorder, or bipolarism or bipolar depression) is a mood disorder that affects approximately 3% of people over a lifetime, although approximately 5-10% of the general population suffers from mental disorders. affective sphere. It is a complex disorder, difficult to recognise, also because the clinical picture is multifaceted and frequently associated with other psychiatric disorders such as substance abuse, psychotic symptoms (such as delusions and hallucinations), personality disorders, anxiety disorders impulse control disorders.

The subject who has bipolar disorder is not aware of having it in most cases, because the hypomanic and manic phases are perceived as normal. It is a disorder which, if not recognized and treated correctly, can have serious consequences: many hours of work lost, breakdown of emotional relationships, periods of excessive and unmotivated spending, periods of greater sexual disinhibition or greater quarrelsomeness and nervousness, greater risk of suicide, as well as a lot of subjective suffering.

There are 3 types of disorder:

Bipolar disorder type I: characterized by the presence of a manic episode throughout life, regardless of the presence or absence of other depressive or hypomanic episodes, which however are frequently associated with episodes of mania.

– Bipolar disorder type II: characterized by the presence throughout life of one or more major depressive episodes accompanied by at least one hypomanic episode.

– Cyclothymic disorder (or cyclothymia): characterized by the alternation of depressive and hypomanic episodes of mild intensity but with high frequency, which lead to a substantial long and uninterrupted phase of illness lasting at least two years, with behavioral changes that cause significant psychosocial complications.

Pensando al mio disturbo bipolare, è uscito questo video...

Il Dott. Valerio Rossi

Questo psichiatra psicoterapeutico, conosciuto per caso sul web, ha la capacità di far capire, con il suo modo di spiegare le cose, tanti argomenti complessi e attorcigliati sulla salute mentale.

Sindrome o disturbo bipolare

What do I do to empty my head when it's overloaded?

I write, I write, I read. I make the brain unplug from the overload. I'll list my ways below.

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Il disturbo bipolare

Ciò che voi e la vostra famiglia avete bisogno di conoscere. 

Un piccolo aiuto per una malattia disagiante per voi e per chi vi sta accanto


Il disturbo bipolare con parole semplici

Un aiuto per chi vuole sapere di più su questo disturbo.


La mia ciclotimia ha la coda rossa.
Come vivere con chi soffre di un disturbo bipolare 

Un ritratto ricco di humor e di sensibilità un disturbo mentale ancora poco conosciuto.

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